Wednesday, February 27, 2008

eBook Cover Design

Wanted to make a quick post and see if anyone out there is interested in a custom cover design for any of the following:


Book cover

DVD cover

CD cover

E-Zine cover

Box covers

Binder cover


Entrecard members would be able to pay with credits. How many credits would you pay to have a custom design? Would you even be interested in something like this? Do you know anyone who would? All comments will be great.


Just curious. I'd appreciate it if you could leave a comment below. Thanks!

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Pam Hoffman said...

I've been thinking that I need to get more advertising stuff made for my blog.

I have a really great 125x125 that Michael White (aka saphrym) made for me when they first opened the EC store and it was only 250 EC credits!

I might need something in a 'banner' type format.

I don't have any of my own products as of yet. I can certainly see a need when I do.

This is the first post of yours that I'm reading. Do you have a 'rate sheet' or something somewhere?

Thanks for asking,

Pam Hoffman

tradeswing said...

No, I don't have a rate sheet. I just wanted to see if there's a demand for this kind of thing.