Tuesday, December 4, 2007

SOLF- Can't Control the Cash Flow

Man this was an intense trade. I couldn't help notice the extreme amount of buying, strong momentum and the fact this thing has gone up about 4 or 5 days in a row now. So I got in at 23.08 I could of got a significantly lower price but it was moving so fast I couldn't even calculate my position size so I said screw and and adjusted my risk after. You'll notice I don't even have my black stop loss line on the chart because I didn't have time to put it on haha.


I immediately sold half my shares after I saw a 5R gain in the next few seconds. My account drained of all its profits and actually went red for a few seconds and that got me a little worried. I held on and watched it move back up pretty fast and decided to unload my last lot at 23.37


I basically got freaked and should of held out and waited as it's now up about another 30 cents or so, but I'm still working on the psychological fact that I could see a huge amount of cash flow in and then flow out. I need to get used to that because it will happen.  But this was a good start for the day.


The chart might not look like anything but keep in mind it's in 50 cent intervals and I usually deal with 5-15 cent intervals.


solf trade chart

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