Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Picked up some new Books

I guess you can say I went on an all day shopping spree and picked up about 8 books between Borders and Barnes on Noble yesterday. I picked up some awesome stuff and can't wait to finish them. This is what I picked out:


Trade with Passion and Purpose: Spiritual, Psychological, and Philosophical Keys to Becoming a Top Trader by Mark Whistler (if you liked the books by Mark Douglas but wanted something a little bit deeper, pick this up, it's amazing. I can tell this will be in my top 5 already.)

Pit Bull: Lessons From Wall Streets Champion Day Trader by Martin "Buzzy" Schwartz

Millionaire Traders: How Everyday People Are Beating Wall Street at it's Own Game by Kathy Lien and Boris Schlossberg (It's like Market Wizards but average people)

More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Unconventional Places by Michael J. Mauboussin

Inside the Investors Brain: The Power of Mind over Money by Richard Peterson

Techniques of Tape Reading by Vadym Graifer and Christopher Schumacher

The Disciplined Trader: Developing Winning Attitudes by Mark Douglas (I read Trading in the Zone and had to get this also)

Come Into My Trading Room by Dr. Alexander Elder (I'm familiar with his work and thought I'd check out his book)


So far I've only read started the top 3 and I probably won't dive into more until I finish these but so far so good. I like what I got.

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