Friday, October 26, 2007

General Update

I figured I'd post an update of everything going on in the last couple days instead of making a bunch of posts for each topic.


First order of business: I bought a second 20inch widescreen monitor. This one will be solely for keeping charts on. It'll hold about 6 charts, each one being a decent size. I'm excited about this. I bought it because I'm getting to the point where it's hard to manage a couple charts, all my watch lists (about 6 of them) and manage my orders on one 20 inch monitor. This new monitor will allow me to keep my watch lists and my charts separate. I can manage my orders and watch lists on my current monitor and the second monitor will be dedicated to at the most, 6 charts.



I ordered this off I love this place for computer stuff.


Second order of business: I'm going to be writing up a detailed business plan for trading. I have it in my head but I feel it'll be better in the long run if I transfer my thoughts into a hard copy. That way I can go back and review it without having to remember it and I can modify it as I develop as a professional trader.


I found two sources with information on how to go about creating a business plan specifically for active traders. and are the two sites I've printed out and I'll be going over both of them and jotting down my responses to these questions. I'll then elaborate more on each response and organize them into a well defined business plan that I'll keep and modify over time.


Third order of business: This I'm a little bummed about. Basically what happened is today I made my 3rd trade of TWM this week which happens to be a 5 day period. I didn't realize that at the time as I put in my buy order of TWM at 63.88 I put in my stop at 62 but I didn't double check to see if it actually went through and waiting in que. When the time came around for me when I thought it was a good time to sell, I canceled my stop order and put in a market order to sell. Well, I double checked this time around to see if it sold or not, and it never sold. Said I had insufficient resources. Now, I'm stuck with a losing position until probably Monday when I'll try and sell it again.


I'm not too worried about the loss though. I adjusted my position size accordingly to where I put my stop and since I'm getting over a losing streak I've cut my risk per trade in half. So, even though I'm in the red, the overall loss is very minimal. If TWM breaks 62 I'll start getting worried but it looks like it's been hovering around 63. So, the situation isn't as bad as it seems, financially anyway.


Green arrow was my entry early this morning when I thought it would be a good move to go short. Which it turned out to be good but a few minutes before 9:30 when I wanted to get out, I couldn't. So I was stuck watching TWM go all the way back down and now we're hovering around 63. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed.


twm buy chart- stuck

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